Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Senate GOP Accomplices Can't Handle the Truth...

You know. Maybe it's a forgone conclusion that the Senate will not convict the Toxic, Gaseous Little Baby Man Dirigible for inciting a riot and insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. 

Of course, they should vote to convict, overwhelmingly. It's pretty much a slam-dunk case. For months Gaseous lied about the election, he lied that he miraculously won, and that it was rigged and stolen. For months he repeated total, blatant, world-class whopper lies. He riled up half the country, he riled up and organized a mob, which then attacked the capitol building with the intent of disrupting and preventing "a peaceful transfer of power" to the new President & Vice President.

It was a deadly, dastardly crime against USA and our Democracy. It was all caught on film. The evidence is recorded on video, explicated in Tweets, and acted out in speeches, and at rallies across the country. Madness. Total madness.

Why will the Senate not vote to convict? You need 17 Republicans to vote against Gaseous. That is doubtful. Why? Because they are accomplices to the crime. Most of the GOP went along with the lies. They either stood back silently, afraid to speak up, or actively encouraged the lies. A crime. No doubt.

So in this trial, accomplices to the crime are also jurors. That's the way impeachment works. It's political. Weird, but true. It's our constitutional system.  Reminds us that the GOP is a broken party. It has devolved into a weird, mad cult of personality. The lunatic fringe is in charge of the levers and buttons.

It is a true stain on our country. A stain on the GOP. A stain on America. Watch the video. Watch it and weep. "Democractic Impeachment Manager Video at Trial - How Trump Instigated Violent Capitol Insurrection."

We will survive this atrocity. Gaseous is hiding out at Mar A Lago, the FBI is hunting down the insurrectionists, our Democracy is resilient, it will survive. But let us not forget, let us never forget what happened on January 6... American Atrocity... 

Of course they should convict the MoFo... no doubt... and those GOP enablers and accomplices should be shamed, censured and voted out... yes, indeed...