Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Joy & Relief...

The Joy:
Inauguration Day 2021. Celebration Day. Swearing in Joe Biden & Kamala Harris as President and Vice President today. A victory for Joe & Kamala. A victory for Democracy. An overwhelming win in the Popular Vote, and the Electoral College Vote. A Free and Fair Election. A win for USA. A win for the World. A New Day, a New Era of Hope and Possibility. The new President will be facing lots of problems, there are lots of big issues to tackle, but we are so excited that a new team will now be in charge.

The Relief:
The Gaseous Little Baby Man Dirigible drifts off leaking toxic fumes on his way to Mar a Lago. The reign of the Toxic Clown is over. How did the Munchkins feel when the Wicked Witch was crushed by a house? That's what we are feeling right now this a.m. It has been a long, a very, very long four years. Four years of the Daily Hate. Our outrage meter has been over-loaded, smoking and not working anymore. Too many outrages to process. Finally, finally this sad and maddening chapter is over. Dancing in the streets. Or at least Dancing in the Kitchen! 

Finally, that toxic reality TV show, "The Daily Hate and Outrage" has been canceled. Oh, sweet, JOY! New Day. New Era. Pizza Party Today!