Tuesday, January 19, 2021

A Time for Greatness...

I turn my Blog Over to Professor Timothy Snyder...

He is the author of the great little pamphlet "On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century."

Essential reading material. Know your history. Know your facts. Know the truth. If we don't learn from the past we are fools. Maybe history doesn't repeat, but it certainly rhymes. We are at a pivot point in the long snaking narrative of our country. USA's little democratic experiment is on the ropes.

Here's hoping Joe Biden & Kamala Harris can rise to the occasion.  Sworn in tomorrow. And a shit-storm of work to do. Major heavy-lifting.  Maybe Joe can be an FDR-type figure? You can only be a great President in dire circumstances, facing great problems. That's Joe's mission. And I do believe he is the right man for the job. A thoughtful, intelligent, compassionate, empathetic human being who has endured lots of tragedy and loss in his life of public service. His job? Pulling us from the brink and heralding a new era of cooperation, responsibility, integrity, truth, justice, and better days. Here's hoping. I mean why the fuck not?!

Back to Professor Snyder.  Keep these thoughts in mind:

And then this...

Where we are in this moment...

I do believe USA can rise to the task. In my lifetime there is a pattern: Republicans ALWAYS fuck things up. Democrats always have to do the clean-up, they have to roll their sleeves up and tackle problems.  2021 is gonna be that kind of year... the next 4 years are going to be a lesson and a test. I hope we can all rise to the occasion.