Thursday, December 24, 2020

Humor & Wonder... Still...

Christmas Eve Pandemic-Style, 2020...

Temps plunged over-night. It's the deep chill. A few snowflakes swirling in the air. A crack of sunshine too. It's quiet around here. We aren't going anywhere today. Not visiting any relatives or seeing friends. Just the two of us here, hunkered down, hanging out with our little 4-bird flock. It is comfy. The old radiators are clanking & wheezing, working overtime to keep up us warm.

We will occupy ourselves with Art, Music, "flow activities." Reading books. Streaming movies. We ordered pizzas yesterday, they are sitting in the refrigerator, waiting to be heated up. A bit of smart planning there.

We feel lucky. We have a roof over our heads, we are still making the rent, still eating well. Some of it seems like defying gravity, smoke and mirrors really, just hanging by a thread, but we are doing it. We are hopeful, we still have our sense of humor and wonder.

The world outside seems totally crazy, off the hinges. There's a deadly, raging pandemic. The worst it's been since it started. Lots of folks getting sick, lots of folks tragically dying. Lots of folks in denial, and resistant, defiant against the best medical advice out there. It's a bit disheartening. Human Beings are a tricky, complicated species. Pretty unreliable, selfish, egoistic.

Plus the rest of the news is pretty much all bad. Injustice everywhere you turn. Some times things just don't work out. Some times the Good Guys don't win, sometimes Innocent Human Beings suffer for no good reason. And the Bad Actors are rewarded. It's difficult. Hard not to be disappointed, bitter, unhappy.

We choose a different path. We can't fix everything in the world. Just not possible. So we work on ourselves. Meditate. Find the calm center. Run the Gold. Lean to the Light. Take a positive stance. Things can get better. Life will go on. There are the small pleasures and wonders. Take joy in the little things.

We will work on a new song today. We will laugh. We will enjoy the streaks of light shining thru the window. There is a big, beautiful Christmas tree in our living room, lights bright and twinkling, a little angel sitting up top. We will honor that. We made it. We are here. Still breathing. Hearts still beating. That's good enough. More than good enough. Very, very good. Everything.

The a.m. soundtrack - "The Worst of the Jefferson Airplane" (1970). A compilation album. All their hit singles, plus. So great. A blast of 60's San Francisco, psychedelic optimism and head-opening sounds. A great American band. Sounds so fresh. Three strong voices and songwriters: Grace Slick, Marty Balin, Paul Kantner. Superb musicians: Jorma Kaukonen - guitar, Jack Cassidy - bass, Spencer Dryden - drums. Fabulous...