Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Gaseous Dirigible Slimes Us All...

Also totally predicable... 

Totally morally bankrupt and corrupt leader pardons war criminals and corrupt politicians and political flunkies. I mean, not surprising in the least. That's what you get if you elect a corrupt and "conscience-less" human being to the highest office in the land.

We can expect more of this in the waning days of the Gaseous Little Baby Man Dirigible.  Everyone will be slimed. We have been living in a Kleptocracy ("government by those who seek chiefly status and personal gain at the expense of the governed") these last four years.  I expect Gaseous to pardon more friends and family too. Will he try to "self-pardon?" Inquiring minds want to know. Such a corrupt, disgusting lot of scumbags and two-bit, boot-lickers.

Yes, it's a mockery and sham. Total disrespect for the rule of law. A sad, bitter joke. But you know, my Outrage Meter is broken. It's been stuck in the red for nearly 4 years. It's cracked and not functioning anymore. I am outraged, and exhausted. I must manually dial down the outrage gauge. Keep it at a low simmer. The Biden/Harris era is coming. Sweet Jesus. Please.

Gaseous lowers us all. Everyone of us is diminished by his thuggery. We must find a way to cleanse ourselves and to conjure up new dreams and better days. We need a rebirth, a renewal, a better America, a better world. Here's hoping for a  deep-cleanse for all.