Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Toxic, Super-Spreader in the W.H.


The cartoon pretty much says it all. Perfect.

Let's call the bat-shit craziness what it is:  bat-shit craziness! We watched this all unfold in real time and wondered, "What the fuck is happening?!" 

Craziness. Stupidity. Carelessness. "Worst President Ever," doesn't quite capture it.  It's beyond the beyond.

There is a Toxic, Super-Spreader in the W.H. and he has infected us all. Some directly with Covid-19, most of us with his Toxic Stupidity, His Prodigious Racism, His Corruption, His Callous Disregard for Humanity.

For the Love of God, let's all put an end to this craziness. Vote Biden/Harris. Let us leave the Infection, the Madness, the Bat-Shit Craziness far behind...