Thursday, October 08, 2020

The Great Fly Debate!

We skipped the VP debate last night. But then, we checked in on social media and found out that a fly had stolen the show. OMG. Hilarious. I mean, talk about a "metaphor." Seems that nature (via a virus & a fly), has made point to show that Trump & Pence are clueless, and "full of shit." A fly landed on the VP's head and sat there for awhile during the televised debate, and folks across the country went bat-shit crazy. I mean there is even now a Twitter page called: The Pence Fly.

Here is the fly sitting in "high cotton..."

One of our friends on social media pointed out that now the fly would have to quarantine itself for at least ten days...

And then the Joe Biden campaign had this to add to the conversation... ha, ha, ha...

Yes. The world is crazy. Getting crazier by the moment. We must rid ourselves of the GOP pestilence. Even the pests are helping the cause. Vote Biden/Harris 2020! 

BTW - Here's the "hot-take" from Nate Silver (the Mr. Spock of Political forecasting), last night.  "The fly sitting on Pence's head for a full 2 minutes may be the most remembered part of the night."  EXACTLY!!!