Friday, April 17, 2020

Hanging Onto the Day...

Hiding out from the virus.
Cooling our heels, and sheltering in place,
furiously waiting, patiently waiting, for a vaccine.

This will be the grand theme around here, maybe for the next 18 months. This virus is here with us, and it's not going away.

Every day one goal = stay healthy.

Maybe this has always been the goal? Maybe this is all just a reminder? Nothing else happens (as far as we know), unless we are alive and healthy.

It used to be carpe diem, "pluck the day," or "seize the day," but now it's "hang on to the day for dear life."

Feeling like a little wisp of a vapor-trail. Pretty insubstantial. Days are long, uneventful, except inside our heads; in our heads it's all a series of crazy happenings, silly dreams, uncommon worries, existential doubts, crashing and colliding.

It's all a bit overwhelming and exhausting. Funny. This new reality is just dawning. The revolution is here. Now. It reared it's ugly, deadly head just a few months ago. It came to us in a nasty, super-contagious, and mightily deadly, viral entity. And then, EVERYTHING CHANGED!

Daily, mundane activities are now considered risky: standing in proximity to someone else, speaking to someone too closely, gathering in groups, touching things that others have touched. Other People are risky.

The past is always with us. Events from the past have lately been bubbling up. Reminding me of who I am, who I used to be. It's the "same" me.

Hanging onto the day... hanging by a thread... keeping safe and sound... as best we can...

The a.m. soundtrack - Nineteen Thirteen's "Music for Time Travel & The Dream."  (2017). Arty. Gorgeous. Dreamy. Beautifully-realized music. This is a time-warp. A head-turner/head opener. A vivid, brilliant dream. A collaboration of fabulous, wonderful, creative spirits. Inspiring. Life-affirming. "Cellist Janet Schiff and Percussionist Victor DeLorenzo (founding drummer of ​Violent Femmes) create the new and dynamic sound that is NINETEEN THIRTEEN. Schiff plays a cello that was made in Romania in the year of 1913 while DeLorenzo plays a set of drums made in modern day America. Together their music suggests mystery, romance and future thought​.​"