Thursday, April 16, 2020

A Really, Really, Really Dumb Idea...

Covid-19 is King. Covid-19 is calling the shots...

Hey, how many of you out there want to sacrifice your life so we can "re-open the country?" I mean yeah, sure, your life is important, but really, I mean, what about the economy?

Looks like our Toxic Clown President and his boot-licking minions are getting antsy. They see their political fortunes shackled to a sinking economy. Yes, the U.S. economy, hell, the Global Economy is basically the Titanic and it has smacked into the iceberg and is sinking fast.

Are the rich and powerful really floating the idea that the "little people" just need to go back to work and to shop like everything is just peachy keen? You know, just pretend, just forget, that there is a Deadly Global Pandemic currently threatening the life of every person on the planet.

Something tells me this is a really, really, really dumb idea... I mean, WTF...

The a.m. soundtrack - Silence. No music this a.m. Silence. Room in my head to contemplate the stupidity of some of my fellow human beings. A little voice tells me: "Listen to the experts, the scientists, the doctors, ignore the Loud Fat Man in the White House, he is truly a menace to us all."