Monday, March 02, 2020

People are Crazy...


You know. Lots of folks are just completely bonkers, crazy, kooky, irrational, nuts, looney, mad, insane. There are these fucking crazy cults all across the land, and the world. Some of it is religious madness, some of it is political madness, some of it it a mixture of the two. Madness times two (Madness x 2). I mean it's also cultural, social.  We are herd animals. Get us together and we quickly and easily make ourselves fucking crazy. There is safety in the crazy.

I know a middle-aged white woman, bleached-blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes who is convinced that our Toxic Clown President is a gift, personally donated to the USA from the hands God. Of course, her God hates liberals, and people of color. She belongs to some kooky church that has convinced her that she is part of the chosen few, the righteous ones who will rise up and conquer the sinful liberals who are fucking everything up. Yikes...

I have often said that my personal motto (if I have one), is "You Must Believe," but I also think you must be really, really careful and choosy about what to believe. So many dead ends, crazy-ass cult-like ideas. A healthy skepticism is also quite useful.

"Don't follow leaders, watch the parking meters." - Dylan

Best to be humble. Believe in Love or a Better Day. Get too far out beyond that and madness, lunacy, stupidity, insanity, irrationality, lurks. Believing in the grand things seems mad. Believing in kindness, grace, humility, and in the limits of our abilities and intelligence, seems more on target.

Anyone selling Eternal Life, or the Kingdom of God, or The Answer, or Some Grand Contest Between Good and Evil is selling you a complete load of shite. If someone tells you they have the answer, and you should follow them, don't hesitate, run for the hills.

Meditate. Believe in sitting quietly, believe in silence, the calm center. Believe in the light & dark.

Life. It's to be lived. What's going on? What's happening? Best to observe. Be awake, be aware, be careful. One step. Keep your eyes peeled. Be ready to change your mind, admit you could be wrong. The lunatics are running the asylum.

The a.m. soundtrack - Neil Young's "Tuscaloosa." (2019). Grounded. A gem from Neil Young's Archives project. A live show from the "Time Fades Away" tour, February 5, 1973. Features one of Neil's greatest bands, The Stray Gators with a fabulous rhythm section - Ben Keith (pedal steel), Jack Nitzsche (piano), Kenny Buttrey (drums), Tim Drummond (bass), fabulous musicians, stripped down sound. Space and air in the grooves. Buttrey and Drummond have also played on some great projects with Dylan. An excellent concert, loose, raw, but tight, intimate & powerful. Ends with "Don't Be Denied," Neil's Odyssey and personal anthem. Recommended.