Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Essential. Questions.

The calm center in the storm.

Everyone and everything is in flux. That's not unusual. It's the way of the Universe - Change, Impermanence, the Arbitrary Nature of our Existence.

We are here. Then we are gone. Our bodies are in motion, cells always changing, our brains are elastic. Turns out you really can teach an old dog new tricks.

Best to keep a healthy skepticism in your tool-kit. What do we know, how do we "prove it?" Are we willing to sift thru evidence, change our minds? Admit that we are wrong? I mean sometimes we need a refresh.

Curiosity. A sense of wonder. Be aware. Be awake. Keep your eyes peeled. The Universe is an amazing place.  Life, clear-consciousness, love, beauty, poetry, music, art. Fill yourself up.

The a.m. soundtrack - Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On?" (1971). The perfect record to start any day. Marvin asks all the essential questions. "In 1969 or 1970, I began to re-evaluate my whole concept of what I wanted my music to say ... I was very much affected by letters my brother was sending me from Vietnam, as well as the social situation here at home. I realized that I had to put my own fantasies behind me if I wanted to write songs that would reach the souls of people. I wanted them to take a look at what was happening in the world." — Marvin Gaye. Yes. A beautiful record. A breath of fresh air. The questions linger in the air, stir our hearts, wake up our souls. Perfect soul-stuff. Brilliant. Beautiful. And you know, every morning, drinking that first cup of coffee, it's worth it to ask: What is Going On?