Thursday, December 19, 2019

Working Towards a Better Day...

So happy. What's the soundtrack this morning? U2's "All That You Can't Leave Behind." Yes. Theme song this A.M. - "It's A Beautiful Day."

It is good, I mean, actually, deeply, madly, heart-warming, to see that there are some Americans who still believe in the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution. It's not easy. But it is essential to a working Democracy. Folks need to take a stand, speak up, wade thru the B.S. and get to essential facts and truth.

Impeachment. This doesn't happen very often. It's definitely bad for this current President, but it's undoubtably good for our country.  Don't know what happens next, as Joe Strummer once said: "The Future is Unwritten," but it is encouraging & exciting that some folks really still care about our country, about facts, about truth, and are working towards a better day.