Friday, December 20, 2019

"The Fuckedness Quotient" - W. Gibson

I loved reading this profile of the author William Gibson in the New Yorker. It reminded me how influential he has been on my thinking about the world we live in ever since I first read his novel "Neuromancer" (1984). A quick review of his output, I realize I've read 10 of his novels. Amazing.
I don't really consider him "Sci-Fi," I'd say he is writing about the "forward now."

Yesterday was a good day (see previous post), but then, I came across the profile, and Gibson reminded me that we can never escape "the fuckedness quotient."

Yes. Indeed.

“... I’ve commenced with a sort of deep reading of the fuckedness quotient of the day,” he explained. “I then have to adjust my fiction in relation to how fucked and how far out the present actually is.” - William Gibson

Yes. Perfect. The present. We experience. It is so overwhelming. There is so much present in the present now. It sort of pushes the future out of the picture. Never forget "how fucked and how far out the present actually is..."
