Saturday, October 05, 2019

Impeachment, It's On All of Us.

Patti Smith: "People have the Power."

A simple, direct, true statement. If the people forget that truth, if they forget that they hold the Power, then Democracy no longer works. Democracy is NOT a government of the rich for the rich. Democracy is NOT a vehicle for the Corrupt Ones to rule over us. When we go to the ballot box, we do not elect Rulers and Kings. We elect folks to represent our interests, to speak and act for all of us. All of us. It's an awesome responsibility, difficult too, to speak for and represent the common folk. And if those that we elect don't do their jobs, don't represent us, don't act ethically, legally and in the public interest, we should vote them out, or in extreme cases IMPEACH them with extreme prejudice.

That's they way it's supposed to work. We all have a role to play in Impeachment. Every Politician, Democrat and Republican must be held accountable, must stand up and be counted. We all must demand accountability. We can fix this, we must fix this, we deserve it, the country deserves it. We can do it.