Friday, October 04, 2019

A Fruitless Exercise.

No matter how bad you think you have it, there is always someone else dealing with something worse, maybe much, much worse. You have a nasty cold? Be happy that's all you are dealing with. That's nothing, brother. You have no idea the pain and suffering some folks are enduring. So try keep it all in perspective. Deal with what you have to deal. Grin and bear it.

It's the same thing on the upside.

You think you have it good? Well, there are plenty of other folks who have it better, in some cases much better, no doubt. That's just the reality of our existence. It's kind of silly and ridiculous to fret about it. No sense in measuring or comparing yourself to anyone else. It's a fruitless exercise.

What to do? Live. Do your thing. Do the best you can do. Take some time to smell the roses.