whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Secrets for Better Living

I, for one, am on the "rebound."

What are my secrets for better living?

Music (fill your life with music of all kinds, I mean maybe minimize the black death metal, but otherwise try lots of different music, music deepens us, feeds our souls)
Love (fill your life with things and with people you love)
Reading (hopefully you know how to read, if you do, read books, all kind of books - fiction, non-fiction, history, biographies, comic novels, how-to books, cooking books, pop culture books, whatever, lots and lots and lots of books)
Flow Activities (lose yourself in activities that totally captivate you, I mean, non-violent, non-confrontational activities; although, pushing your body to do things it doesn't normally do are often excellent flow activities, give yourself up to something, drop your ego, do the work)
Eat Well (be choosy, eat lots of different kinds of food, but be discerning, smart, picky, stick with lots of vegetables, and organic foods of all kinds, no fast food, no package foods)
Sleep Well (hopefully you have a comfortable bed and some fluffy pillows, use them, sink in, refresh, dream)
Meditate (I discovered meditation in my twenties, but it wasn't til later that I really took to meditating nearly every day, I wish I would have learned to meditate when I was a child, it's important, essential, find your calm center, go there often)
Vote (Yes, vote. It's seem stupid, right? One measly little vote. How can it make a difference? But you know what? It's not that voting will necessary mean a better country, but it will mean a better you! Hat Tip: Teju Cole)
Cultivate Your Being (Indulge yourself, cultivate empathy, compassion, a sense of wonder, wonder often, about everything, live in wonder always, it's an amazing world, a glorious universe, give yourself up to a constant state of wonder, yes, really)

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