Sunday, January 20, 2019

"Thoughts of a Madman: Russian Agent, or Useful Idiot?!"

Is the world crazy, or is it me? Both? Have I fallen into some weird, conspiracy-minded madness? Has the Idiot in Chief driven me mad? Am I chasing shadows, inventing enemies, and bad actors who are working behind the scenes causing all the problems in the world?

What the hell is happening? What has happened to the country and all of the people in it? Are we all totally off the rails? Is all this in my head? Is everything actually fine? Is all of this chaos, madness, uncertainty some sort of delusion or hallucination?

Not sure. I have my doubts about the world, and myself too. Ok. Maybe I am crazy. But I was so happy to find this article, these words in print from Garrett Graff author of a biography of Robert Mueller III and a columnist in Wired Magazine...

"Trump Must Be A Russian Agent, the Alternative is Too Awful." - G. Graff

I may be mad, but it's good to see that someone else, someone seemingly more together, more sane, less distracted, than I am, who seems to be on the same thought-train, the thought-train that is driving me freaking nuts (emphasis added).

"THE PATTERN OF his pro-Putin, pro-Russia, anti-FBI, anti-intelligence community actions are so one-sided, and the lies and obfuscation surrounding every single Russian meeting and conversation are so consistent, that if this president isn’t actually hiding a massive conspiracy, it means the alternative is worse: America elected a chief executive so oblivious to geopolitics, so self-centered and personally insecure, so naturally predisposed to undermine democratic institutions and coddle authoritarians, and so terrible a manager and leader, that he cluelessly surrounded himself with crooks, grifters, and agents of foreign powers, compromising the national security of the US government and undermining 75 years of critical foreign alliances, just to satiate his own ego.

In short, we’ve reached a point in the Mueller probe where there are only two scenarios left: Either the president is compromised by the Russian government and has been working covertly to cooperate with Vladimir Putin after Russia helped win him the 2016 election—or Trump will go down in history as the world’s most famous “useful idiot,” as communists used to call those who could be co-opted to the cause without realizing it."