Monday, January 21, 2019

MLK, Jeff & Brian

MLK Jr. ---

"Evil may so shape events that Caesar will occupy a palace and Christ a cross, but that same Christ arose and split history into A.D. and B.C., so that even the life of Caesar must be dated by his name. Yes, 'the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.' There is something in the universe which justifies William Cullen Bryant in saying, “Truth crushed to earth will rise again.”

Yes, one can hope. As Jeff Tweedy of Wilco puts it: "Where would we be without wishful thinking?"
Can we expect the Moral Universe to validate Dr. King's words? Sometimes it seems like we are just little cogs in a big wheel. That wheel keeps on turning. What was up is down, what was last is first. It just depends on the spin of the wheel. Time and Place.

Justice, Truth, Love. "Wouldn't it be nice?" - Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys