Sunday, July 29, 2018

Nurturing Lens. Yes.

Lazy. Days. Of Summer. Not really, I mean, Shite, I am always moving. Which, I think, is a good rule, (if you are the type who goes in for rules):  "Always Be Moving!" Except when I am sitting in meditation, which I do religiously, or diligently, at least once a day. I was trying my best to channel my "gentle, nurturing lens," (see previous post), I think it kind of worked. I let the day wash over and thru me yesterday. Some days you just meet the day on it's own terms and everything just seems right. It was that kind of day. Lots of running around, a lot of back and forth, rolling and tumbling, adding up to what? But you know, everything seemed fine, in it's right place. I was never stressed or defeated. I seized the day. Another day. Alive. Last night I found myself on stage in a little neighborhood bar. Our band whitewolfsonicprincess played a groove-filled set, and the audience took to the dance floor and enacted some full-moon, voodoo, snakey kind of maximum boogaloo. That was new. A full dance floor. We conjured the sound of a bizarre runaway train and the audience jumped on for the ride, damn the torpedoes. I burst into flame mid-set. My whole body vibrated. Sweat poured like rain. It was pretty damn satisfying. Nurturing! Indeed.