Monday, July 30, 2018

A Copy of a Copy of a Copy of Myself.

I know I've written this before, because I know I have had this thought before. So I'm just probably repeating myself, but then, maybe I'm just a copy of a copy of a copy of myself. That's what happens when you age.

I think we are living in a modern version of the Dark Ages. Stupidity reigns. Stupidity is celebrated and rewarded. People hate intelligence and intelligent people. Intelligence tells us our lifestyles are unsustainable, we are destroying the planet, and the habitat, that keeps us alive. Everyone we know is going to die, and there is nothing we can do to change that reality. We are descended from monkeys, and we are no different than anything else that's living. That's why people hate Scientists, and Intellectuals.

Everything looks like a rigged game. Everyone is conning everyone else to get ahead. There are a few honest folks out there, but everyone else is ignoring them, or cheating them, or laughing at them. Honesty is greatly undervalued around here. Grace & kindness too.

Everybody wants more. More toys, more $, and we are all pretty much committed to doing anything to get this more. We want it all, all the time. It's a kind of sickness, an addiction. Capitalism is the perfect system for this grand addictive way of life. It now permeates all of humanity.

What drives this madness? Fear. Of death. Of irreleance. Of lonliness. Of meaninglessness. We try to fill ourselves up with stuff, with action, with noise, with craziness, drugs, booze, gambling, sex.

We are lost. Our only faith is in the Buck, and it is paper-thin. It can buy shit, but it can't buy us youth, health, love, friendship, good feeling, wisdom.

What is the counter-play? Breathing deeply. Meditation. Mentally withdrawing from the madness for short stretches of time. Believing in something bigger than ourselves, and our bank accounts. Accepting that life is good, but life is fleeting. We are like the leaves on a tree, here for a season, then gone. Part of a grand cycle. It's a bit humbling. Yes, a lesson in humility.