Monday, June 25, 2018


"If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." -Karl Popper - "The Open Society and Its Enemies" 

Cool new trend: Shaming and Shunning Folks who espouse, promote, implement, apologize for, and/ or defend abhorrent, anti-human policies. Shame a Racist, Shun a Fascist today! We will all feel better! Have A Nice Day!

Of course this must all be peaceful. But we can stand and be heard. We must organize, evangelize, be smart, be united, for a better day, against HATE. We must speak up, march, and WE MUST VOTE. Every American with a conscience needs to vote for the Democrats this November. No excuses. We must take our country back from the Deplorables.

Yes. I can get behind this new trend in DC where folks are Shunning and Shaming Trump Administration members. I don't think it's a bad thing. I think it's necessary. When is deplorable shit just totally deplorable? This Administration is hurtling towards "fascism." We can not stand around and wring our hands. We must raise our voices and declare this is not normal. This is not tolerable! We out-number these people.

If you espouse hatred and division, you should be called out. Shame on you! Remember shame?!

This Tweet-Storm from David Roberts of Vox is quite the beautiful thing (be sure to click over and read the whole thing), I highly endorse, here are some select highlights: