Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sometimes the Message is Just the Message. Was that the Message?

I am not a mind-reader. I have trouble reading my own clouded mind. It's a realm of competing and contradictory thoughts, ideas, conversations. How to read what's going on in another human beings' head?

This week, of all weeks, our current FLOTUS  decided to wear a coat with the words "I Really Don't Care, Do U?" on the back. She wore this coat on her visit to the border to visit a "child detention center" in Texas. Supposedly, she removed the coat on the visit. She wore the coat on her way there, and on her way back. Her spokesperson says the $39 Zara jacket had “no hidden message,” but Trump tweeted otherwise. 

Weird. Right? I mean, WTF. I mean, "no hidden message," huh. The message was clearly spelled out on her back. Lots of questions. Was FLOTUS taunting the World? The Media? Her Toxic, Self-Admittedly Abusive Husband?

Is this Woman an unfeeling cretin? A savvy Media Critic? A pissed-off Wife? A Hostage? Was her message basically "let them eat cake" to all those people who do care? Is Melania Trump a Stepford Wife? A Russian-placed Asset? A brilliant, contrary cultural critic? A glorified model too many steps above her pay-grade?

Semiotics - "a general philosophical theory of signs and symbols that deals especially with their function in both artificially constructed and natural languages and comprises syntactics, semantics, and pragmatics."

Sometimes the message is just the message. Was that the message? I am one of those people who do care, I care about pretty much everything worth caring about. It's exhausting. I don't really want to care about what FLOTUS wears, there are so many other things to care about. I think this pisses me off. But on the other hand if it was intended to piss me off, maybe instead I'm just baffled by the ignorance & callousness on display. What a freaking world we live in.