Monday, June 04, 2018

The Narcissistic Sociopath In Chief...

“Another surefire way to get under his skin, Reines says, is to quote Trump back to Trump. ‘He really doesn’t like being quoted back to him. I think part of it is he might not remember what he said or wrote at any given time.”

Psychology: "the study of the mind and behavior." It comes in handy. People. You know. You can't live with them, can't live without them. And there are a whole hell of a lot of them on the planet. Probably too many for this little blue ball spinning out in the Universe.

And there are some real head-cases out there. We all need to be mindful, on-guard. We have a "narcissistic sociopath" in the Oval Office. As they say, "Beware!"

How do you spot a sociopathic narcissist? Watch for certain traits:
  • A driven quest for power. If a narcissistic sociopath cares about anything other than himself, it is destructive power and control over people.
  • Behaviors that seek love and admiration. To be sure, this isn't needy love. It's not even emotional love. It's superficial. A narcissistic sociopath sees love and admiration as power tools to manipulate and dominate (Do Sociopaths Even Have Feelings?).
  • No apologies, no guilt, no remorse under any circumstance. A sociopathic narcissist believes that she is a gift to the world who makes it richer and more colorful. Therefore, her calculated, even cruel actions are always justified.
  • Invincibility. The narcissistic variety of sociopath believes he is indomitable. Even punishment and prison can't stop him. They're merely part of the game.
  • Wholly self-serving. The needs and wants of others are insignificant and undeserving of consideration.
  • Act as the producer, director, and only actor of his own show. The narcissistic sociopath casts people in roles that increase his power and sense of importance and when bored, casts them aside.

Yes. A Sick Man. He is infecting all of us. Daily. One lie at a time. It is disruption. Contagious. Detrimental to our Mental, Physical and Political Health.