Sunday, June 03, 2018

Not Healthy People!

Yes. Tom Arnold (see previous post). He got me thinking about Brains. Brains soaked in Fear & Hatred and Deep Racism. They don't work correctly.

Fear, Hate, Racism.

We should probably think of them as Disabilities. A person steeped in Hated & Fear is not a healthy person. These are people who are not thinking right. They have something really, really wrong with their Brains and their Social Responses.

I mean, sometimes Fears are justified. And Fear can be useful or even entertaining: "Fear creates distraction, which can be a positive experience. When something scary happens, in that moment, we are on high alert and not preoccupied with other things that might be on our mind (getting in trouble at work, worrying about a big test the next day), which brings us to the here and now.

Furthermore, when we experience these frightening things with the people in our lives, we often find that emotions can be contagious in a positive way. We are social creatures, able to learn from one another. So, when you look over to your friend at the haunted house and she’s quickly gone from screaming to laughing, socially you’re able to pick up on her emotional state, which can positively influence your own."

But to live in constant Fear of "the other," in our present state of a totally integrated, global network is irrational: "All fun aside, abnormal levels of fear and anxiety can lead to significant distress and dysfunction and limit a person’s ability for success and joy of life. Nearly one in four people experiences a form of anxiety disorder during their lives, and nearly 8 percent experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Disorders of anxiety and fear include phobias, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, separation anxiety, PTSD and obsessive compulsive disorder. These conditions usually begin at a young age, and without appropriate treatment can become chronic and debilitating and affect a person’s life trajectory."

Think of someone always on Social Media. Someone always watching Cable TV. Someone living in a constant state of agitation, hyping the Fear. Hyping the Hate. Hyping their Anxiety. Someone totally addicted to Racism. Not healthy people.