Sunday, April 08, 2018

"The Days are The Gods!"

Waking up at someone else's home. First, happy to wake up. Another day. Emerson tells us that no one ever suspects that "the days are The Gods!" Before coffee is always a sort of zombified twilight. Always feel a bit crunchy, gritty, delicate, artbitrary. After coffee flooded with good feeling. So I go from bad to good in just couple cups. Funny. 

Took my little furry friend for a walk. The morning sun breaking out a new dawn. The sun sits like an enormous fiery ball at the end of the street. Sun at street level. Wow. Bathed in sunshine. It's cold, can see my breath in the air, but the light is brilliant, overwhelming. Cosmic force. Turn down the block and my furry friend and I throw our shadows on the sidewalk. Every step our shadows grow. We get to the end of the block and our shadows are thirty feet tall. Blazing light. Ghostly shadow.

Back, sipping coffee, listening to Dylan live, the born-again, evangelizing, Jew for Jesus Dylan. Killer live band. Singing along with Dylan and his amazing backup singers: "Ain't Going to Hell for Anybody!" New morning.