Saturday, April 07, 2018

"Possibility is the Secret Heart of Creativity." - J O'Donohue

I am reading John O' Donohue's "Anam Cara." Amazing. Beautiful. Enlightening. The words of the book are a conjuring, an incantation, a spell. I have really taken it to heart. I have surprised myself. Maybe the book is just hitting me at the exact right time? Maybe it wouldn't have had the same impact earlier in my life? I will never know. This time, this place, this "me," this book. No resistance, no cynicism, no skepticism. Every sentence a healing. I can truly say this book has enlivened me, opened me. It's made me Alive, Renewed, Deepened. Yes, it a book of great heart, great wisdom, a book of poetry, music, philosophy & love. Anam Cara is Gaelic for "Soul Friend." I believe we can make our lives, and everything in it, our soul friend. I believe.