Monday, January 15, 2018

Yes, inevitably, it's President SHITHOLE!

A Wise Person once said: "We don't see things as they are, We see them as we are." So by that logic if you see SHITHOLES everywhere in the world, it is you who is a SHITHOLE!

EDITOR'S NOTE: We have new "style guide" for this blog. We have decided to standardize on how we refer to our current President, number 45. In the past we have described him in a variety of ways: Noxious Clown, Mendacious Toxic Idiot, Racist, Fool, Ignoramus.

His current Cabinet Members have also described him with some colorful language: Dumb as Shit, Idiot, Fucking Moron, Hopeless Idiot, Stupid, Fucking Idiot, Fucking Fool.

And for awhile we settled on the "Grab Them By the Pussy" President, because, well, these were his own words. But no doubt, it was a bit unwieldy, too long, too many characters.  So from today going forward whenever we refer to 45 we will call him PRESIDENT SHITHOLE! It does roll off the tongue nicely. Indeed.

BTW: Nice Work. This was projected on Trump's (ShitHoles'), D.C. Hotel.

Updated Editor's Note: Upon reflection, I've decided this will be the first and last use of "President Shithole." He does deserve the name, but I won't write it, or speak it. Let the man swim in his own obscenity. I will choose the higher road. That is all!