Sunday, January 14, 2018

"Picture Him Chasing Me Around His Hotel Room in His Tighty-Whities!"

It's not surprising to read that our "Grab Them By the Pussy President" paid a Porn Star $130,000 to stay silent about an intimate encounter. In fact, it's hard to believe this man could get laid without some serious scratch involved. Talk about a dirty, nasty job. 

So yeah, the story is not that shocking, or interesting, except of course, if you actually read it. The hilarity is in the details.
I would expect Alec Baldwin and SNL to reenact it all for our edification. Check it out:

"Evans said she talked to (Stormy) Daniels the next day, apologized for bailing, and asked her how the night went. “She tells me, ‘All I’m going to say is: I ended up with Donald in his hotel room. Picture him chasing me around his hotel room in his tighty-whities.’"