Monday, October 23, 2017

Survival Mode

Then events conspire, and you are in basic survival mode, careening from one place to another, like a pinball, and it's all physicality, and muscle, and bone and flesh, alive and at play in the elements of nature, in the elements of the day - sun, wind, rain, cold. You get it all.

You are a heady kind of person, you live inside your head most of the time, but this survival mode is a reminder that you are just a body too. Alive in the world. You are composed of multitudes of systems and subsystems all working together, and you need them all to be functioning correctly to make it to the next destination, the next meal, the next bed, the next day.

You are a ramshackle collection of cells, nerves, bones, organs flying through the day, always on the move, just going forward, breathing, taking in the next breath, one breath, one breath, at a time...