Sunday, October 22, 2017

As for Me...

As for me (see previous post)... 

Religion. I consider myself a "Secular Buddhist." I meditate, clear my mind, seek to deepen compassion for myself and the world. I am an ex-Catholic. Although, even if you are an "ex" you are never really an "ex."  I know some of the 10 commandments, probably can't name them all, (can't name all the 7 Dwarfs either). For sure I remember that you shouldn't lie, cheat, steal, don't murder anyone, don't covet your neighbor's wife. Of course, there are always extenuating circumstances, that's what life teaches us. Extenuating circumstances. We all have our reasons. Even if they aren't reasonable. My grasp on religion is quite light.

Tribe. I'm White. Born in the Midwest of USA. Live near a big urban center. Working class family. Democratic. Chicago Bears fan. These are the circumstances of my life. But I'd say my tribe is composed of artists - writers, playwrights, songwriters, singers, painters, poets. I'd call my tribe "The Creatives," people who spend their lives creating work. Striving for some kind of art.  What one of my dear friends called "The Good Work." It is a nebulous, ever-morphing tribe, but the ties that bind me to it are very, very strong. This tribe is what really gives my life a purpose. A trajectory.

Ideals.  Liberty, Fraternity, Equality. I do believe in the big things. I do believe we should strive for an all-inclusive, multi-cultural world - a world of equality & justice. Creativity! I know there is nothing worse and more destructive than a bitter Idealist (see History!). I am not the bitter type. Hopeful. Always hopeful. I guess I'd say my tribe of Creatives is guided by the world of Ideals and I meditate often, always looking for clarity!