Saturday, October 14, 2017

Pretty Damn Low!

You almost want to turn your eyes away. Such a nasty story unfolding. Harvey Weinstein's Hollywood. Yes, I am aware of the old Hollywood "Casting Couch" cliche. But the depths, the scope and the breadth of the depravity that this man unleashed on young women over the decades is shocking, disgusting, gut-wrenching. Powerful man attacking, humiliating, intimidating, assaulting, raping, young actresses hoping for a role in a movie. The mind reels. Weinstein was a relentless, voracious, sexual predator. Very sick and twisted. And of course, there was a company behind the man. Supporting, enabling. There were those who knew, and were silent. And the few brave women who had the courage to come forward early on were ostracized, shunned, shouted down, silenced and bought off with coercive NDAs. Many more brave women coming forward now and their voices, their stories are finally coming to greet the light of day. A necessary cleansing. It kind of puts the whole Hollywood thing in a new, terrible & terrifying light. Revenge of the Ugly vs. the Beautiful. The Old vs. the Young. The Powerful vs. The Powerless. Man vs. Woman. You wonder, how is it possible? How deeply does power corrupt a man, a soul, a mind? How ugly can a human being get? How can others look away? How low can people go? I guess pretty damn low.