Sunday, October 15, 2017

A New Collective Mind.

Yeah, I don't feel any affinity for Human Beings who lord it over other Human Beings. Just not cool. What is it with this "power trip," and with this old, retro, male dominance thing? How is it that America ended up with "The Pussy Grabbing President?" Just not cool. 

I do not feel part of the male fraternity. I do not identify with men who strut around trying to be the "Big Monkey Man!" I do not like bullies. Fuck. Fuck the Patriarchy. We need more Women to stand up. We need their voices. We need their influence. We need strength. Something is seriously wrong. Maybe it is time for a new paradigm. A new collective mind.

I am thinking things are so bad, all around, that a new thing, a new idea, a new way of life is birthing, right before our eyes. Maybe these are just the birth pangs? Here's hoping!