Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Least and the Dimmest!

You do begin to worry... 

Maybe the people who are "running things," really are dumber, and more corrupt than you are? That's a bit frightening, because you know you aren't the smartest person in the world, and  you aren't pure, you are willing to cut some corners, I mean, you try your best to live with eyes wide open, and you do all the things you think a responsible citizen of the world should do, but, hell, no one is perfect, and you are fully aware of all your own imperfections and foibles.

It used to be we'd look for the "best and the brightest." Now our culture seems infested with the "least and the dimmest."

You try, as the Dalai Lama counsels, to show maximum compassion and empathy for your fellow human beings, but sometimes the humans are just so damn disappointing. There is a daily display of bad blood, stupidity, hubris, arrogance, jealousy, envy, greed, small-mindedness, corruption.

And the humans who are sure they have all the answers, those who talk the loudest, and suck all the oxygen out of room, yeah, those are the ones who seem to be the densest, the most brain-dead of the lot. And those are the folks who seem to be dominating the conversation. 

Makes you want to unplug. Sit with a good book. Take time to think. Search for other minds and spirits not caught up in the vast pool of stupidity. There is another world out there. Another type of human being. There is a community of thinkers. There is another way. A different branch of the human vine. You want to seek those folks out. 

We all need a bit more intelligence, patience, grace and humility. A quieter, more honest, & smarter humanity.