Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Are You Feeling Idiot Fatigue Yet?!

You can't argue with a Loud, Determined Idiot. Just no way to win. Logic will not work. Data or facts will not sway. There is no bottom, no end point to the vast pool of Idiocy. Are you feeling Idiot Fatigue yet? The land has been awash in Idiocy. It's all the latest rage. 

The Idiot in Chief decides to give us a lecture on Patriotism. This is a man who took 5 draft deferments: Four for College, One for Bad Feet. The Idiot figured he would leave it to others to fight for his Country.

The Idiot in Chief attacked a Bronze Star Family, a Vietnam Vet & POW.  The Idiot in Chief has no honor, no shame. He doesn't understand what makes America Great, for instance: Free Speech, A Free Press, The Rule of Law.

Are you tired yet? Have you been totally exhausted by the vast pool of Idiocy? The Idiot in Chief has one major super-power: he doesn't know he's an Idiot, he thinks he's a smart guy. He draws upon the powerful, malevolent Will to be Stupid. A vast pool of stupidity that has no bound or limit. This is the source of his strength. He can easily convince other very, very stupid people that they aren't stupid.

Yikes. Holy Cow. Shite.

We can only hope the forces of intelligence, reason, logic, rationality, progressive politics, and compassionate and empathetic people of all stripes rise up. Maybe the Idiot in Chief's greatest gift to us all will be galvanizing the forces of opposition against his Idiocy? As long as we don't all die of Idiot Fatigue.

We see it every day. From all walks of life. People standing up. Gives me hope. Let's all take it easy. Sleep well. Pace ourselves. The Idiot in Chief is empty-handed, empty-headed, loud talk, hot air, signifying nothing.

This will pass, we can pick up the pieces and start again...