Sunday, July 23, 2017

Powerful, Beautiful, Therapeutic!

I started the day listening to "On Being" with Krista Tippett this morning. She interviewed the Buddhist Monk Matthieu Ricard, "The Happiest Man in the World." The conversation was like taking a morning bath in the most powerful, beautiful, therapeutic healing waters on the planet. Yes, take a listen, highly recommended.

Science and Buddhism find common ground. And we all benefit. I mean, I won't try sum up the episode, best for you to listen for yourself, but lots of things "ring a bell," for me.  Our brains are plastic, we can always be learning, how we act, and what we do, is a dance with reality, and our brains are always learning, responding, changing. Meditation is our doorway. Happiness is a skill that can be nurtured and trained.

We are all interdependent now. And if we are to continue to evolve, and survive as a species, altruism and compassion for all of our fellow sentient beings is absolutely essential. 

Listen. Learn. Love.