Saturday, July 22, 2017

A Rare Good Night's Sleep!

A rare good night's sleep. Deep. Refreshing. Doesn't happen often enough. Kind of takes the edge off. There is a well of relaxedness that resides under the surface. Nice to find yourself dipping into it.

Unlike the night before. 

The neighbors decided to have a Tequila Party. A Thursday evening Tequila Party. It kind of went off the rails. Neighbors #2 and #3 getting all liquored up. Things got dicey when #3  brought the grill out to barbecue at 11:00 p.m. Maybe a bit late to grill up a boatload of chicken? Loud conversation and then a disagreement. #2 had a fit and started throwing around cans of beer. 

#3 and #2 got into an over-loaded shouting match. Not sure what it was all about, but two very pissed off women raising bloody hell. The cops came a couple times. That was eventful. Kind of put a damper on the restful sleep idea for Thursday night.

Friday night, all quiet on the western front. Maybe licking wounds, counting up the slights and insults? Living in close proximity to other folks.  Makes for interesting times.