Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Ask, Part Two: The 3% Are the Doers!

"The Ask" part two. This is an update on our IndieGoGo campaign for our next record, "The Shadow of the Marigold." Backers have backed our project, funds have flowed in, some folks have claimed perks. It's quite an interesting experiment.

The campaign is nearly 50% over and we are 35% funded. So I guess that means we are a little bit behind on reaching our funding goal. But since we selected "flexible funding," we receive funds at the end of the campaign even if we don't hit the goal. So in that way, we really can't fail.

Some backers have been very, very generous and haven't claimed anything. Others have selected the t-shirt or the forthcoming CD. We have also been booked to play a House Concert in 2016!

We really didn't know what to expect, so in some ways this has totally been gratifying and exciting. It's humbling to find out that people will dig into their pockets and send cash. It's a tremendous act of support.

It means so much to a little, independent band doing the best work they can, hoping to get their music out into the world. We are testing the limits of our fans and friends base. It looks like we aren't getting support from strangers. Makes sense.  

There seems to be a pattern, almost a law - 3% of the visitors to our site end up backing our campaign. 3%.  You wonder, is it the 3% who do everything? 97 % of us just pass on by? Is it true the 3% are the doers? Is it all just math?!