Thursday, December 24, 2015

Hope Runs Deep - That's My Movie!

I have a friend who is a movie reviewer. He gets all kinds of "movie swag," in his day to day work. We recently hosted a musical event and my friend brought a box of swag to share with everyone. One of my other friends fished around in the box and pulled out a hoodie with the slogan: HOPE RUNS DEEP, right in the middle of the front of the hoodie. I happen to live with this other friend. 

A couple of days ago, I saw the hoodie sitting on a chair. I picked it up and put it on. I have been wearing it every day since. I have sort of adopted the motto. It's the right message, the right time.

Hope. It's such a large part of my life. Maybe yours too? I think of the other slogans associated with hope, Stud Terkel's "Hope dies last," and "Hope is not a plan."

Hope can be used and tossed around like a hot potato. 

I know that "Hope Runs Deep" is probably a movie tag-line. I don't want to Google to find out which movie. I have decided that it's the new tag-line for my own movie...

Ok. I did Google the tag-line. Seems it's from a movie about a Chilean mining disaster... funny... in a not funny way... I think I will still wear the hoodie!