Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Everyone is Named!

Yesterday I was talking to a friend about our IndieGoGo crowd-funding campaign. I mentioned that we were so excited because so far we had 25 backers for our campaign! The friend actually laughed at that, and said, "Not much of a crowd!"

I guess it isn't much of a crowd. More like a Generous Group, a Quality Club, a little Cabal of Creative Co-Conspirators. Yes, it's true, our slice of the "market" is quite slim, our work is "not for everyone," mainly because most of the world hasn't  heard about it. We have no marketing muscle, no real buzz, but we have a very committed group of folks who appreciate our music, and well, I guess, us. People willing to support our creative efforts.

So not worried about the size of the crowd, don't really care if you want to call it a crowd, or not. We know the people who have donated, they are friends, and family. It's the best kind of support, people who know us as people and as musicians and creative beings. Not just a nameless crowd. Everyone is named, everyone is unique, and cool. That's the best kind of support and acknowledgement!