Monday, October 26, 2015

Where It Is At!

Bumped into an old friend and fellow traveler yesterday. He is 1 year and 2 weeks sober. A member in good standing at AA.  He has been on a roller-coaster for many years. Just like many of us. He and I talked about spirit, and clarity. And dropping, or channeling, the rage.

I've never been to AA, but I do buy their whole schtick. I found spirit and clarity years back when I discovered meditation, and although the meditation teachers I worked with didn't stress sobriety, when I really sunk into a state of clear consciousness & clarity, a life of sobriety, seemed like the only state worth pursuing.

Check out the 12 steps of AA. I have come to believe that all of us, could benefit from this program. We are all addicted to something. Some of us are addicted to drugs, alcohol, pain, rage, fear, pop culture, the never-ending sideshow.

We all need something to believe in. Even just believing in the possibility of something to believe in is a good first step. And just a glimmer is all we need to imagine and create a new way of living. So yes, I guess in that way we can then redirect ourselves to find and hone our addiction to clarity, to clear consciousness, to some kind of simple spirituality. 

Yesterday our conversation was filled with laughter, and humility, and wonder. People just feeling their way through. We've learned some lessons, but take nothing for granted. There are no certainties, but there is a renewed commitment to living. Both of us exuded a lightness of being. That is where it is at!