Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Clash's Last Testament!

If you love music like I love music, I mean, if music is essential to your life, important, enriching, then you probably already listen to Sound Opinions just like I do.  A show that takes our musical obsessions very seriously. Jim Derogatis and Greg Kot. Two very knowledgable, obsessive listeners. I don't always agree with these guys, but I do totally respect their opinions. Each has their own preferences and biases, and once you get your head around who these guys are, and what kind of music they tend to like, you can kind of fly with them.

They listen to lots and lots of music. And have totally opened my head and ears over the years. Loved their recent classic album discussion/dissection of The Clash's "London Calling." Reminded me of how much I truly loved that record, and used to play it at ear-splitting, maximum volume in our little apartment, long ago. How we didn't have the Cops raiding our place every weekend, I will never understand.

Turns out the Clash's original working title for this double-album was "The Last Testament." Makes sense. A band at the height of their powers, a little desperate to say everything they could possibly say across an amazing set of music.  Just a towering piece of work. Important, dazzling, a major cultural artifact. So good. So essential. Reminded me that I needed to brush off my vinyl copy and cue it up! Life-affirming! Exhilarating!