Friday, September 25, 2015

Heaven or Hell? Google It!

Lately I'm finding everything funny. Not in a cynical, sarcastic way. Really. Just funny. Like Ha, Ha funny! For instance this, "Googling for God." Totally cracks me up.

People are often searching for Heaven, less so for Hell. Except those who live in Retirement Communities. Those folks are searching for Hell. Maybe they're hoping Hell will be better than the Retirement Community? Or after a few years in a Retirement Community they just know that Hell is their next move?

And people want to see visuals. What does Heaven and Hell look like? Will I enjoy my stay there? What kind of amenities do they have? Will there be bingo? Air conditioning? What kind of Joy, or suffering? What's on the menu?

Folks also Google Jesus and the Pope, but those crusty old-time dudes can't hold a candle to Kim K.