Sunday, September 13, 2015

Everything Interesting is in Collaboration!

You look for your insight, your knowledge, your hard to define cool factor where you can. You realize it can come from any quarter. You might surprise yourself just by picking up a magazine and reading any little old article.

For instance, Cate Blanchett in the New York Times Fashion Magazine.  Not only does she look amazing, chiseled from the finest stuff, but her mind is a formidable, admirable thing.

And I just love this: "So much of Blanchett's life and work revolves around a careful calibration of control and chaos."

And this too: "... how to practice and prepare and bind together all the 'Eureka moments,' that recapture the spark of the first reading. The way she explained it, when a scene is working, the actors are equally aware of the person unwrapping a snack in row G and the other bodies on the stage.

She hates monologue. For her everything interesting is in collaboration.'That's the dangerous side, she said. You really don't know where you're going to go.' "