Saturday, September 12, 2015

Damn the Diabolical Ideas!

Dread lifted (see previous post), don't know why...

Jean Paul Sartre (damn him) tells me that I am responsible for everything. Every act, every decision. Everything.

Decisions. You get one chance. Make the wrong choice and you have to live with the consequences. You have to decide things you have no clue about. It would be nice if you could make decisions knowing the outcome in advance. That would be much more fulfilling and equitable and fair. Living with the consequences of the decisions you made, knowing the consequences of the decisions you made. That seems like the way you should run the Universe.

No such luck.

What if we are not responsible for anything? Not one thing. What if everything is fated? There is so much is beyond our control. Doesn't seem right we should be held accountable for things we have no control over. Who decided where and when we were born, what our biological entity would look like, our early life experience? Are all our experiences subject to the whim of the Universe?

Are we just leaves blowing around on the planet? Damn that diabolical idea too!