Wednesday, July 22, 2015

To Heal is a Relative Thing

They tell us, "Time heals all wounds." Nice sentiment. A lie. Maybe a white lie, maybe a useful lie, but still a lie.

Probably should amend it to - "Most physical wounds heal." Think: if you lose an eye, an arm, a leg, "to heal," is a relative thing.

And then there are the psychic, emotional, spiritual wounds. Some of those never really heal. Maybe the wound can be managed. But some deep soul wounds just don't/can't heal. (See previous post on the "Wounded Child").

These wounds define us. We bump up against reality, and have to deal with the things of the world, and we endure. Sometimes the pain and suffering comes in waves. Lose someone very dear to you, and the loss is deep, so deep.

We carry on. We carry the wounds with us. Sometimes we are scarred, and sometimes there are just deep holes in our being. Maybe those holes can be windows or doors to a new understanding of our lives? We need to try to fill those deep, dark places with light, and love... but it's an on-going task.