Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Faux-Candidate, Malicious Anti-Body!

I think Trump is a joke. A faux-candidate. A result of our culture of bullshit. We have elevated a class of blowhards into the mainstream of our culture. We give them reality shows, and air-time on cable tv,  radio and the news. We talk about them, and belittle them, and marvel at their audacious stupidity. This culture of bullshit is a branch of our entertainment ecosystem. It's kind of pathetic, shows us to be shallow, hollow, and satisfied with cheap talk and faux-thrills. Nothing new there.

Trump has parlayed his halo of hot air into another career. "You're fired." When the time comes, should probably chisel that on his headstone, but then again, it will probably just read "TRUMP!"

I probably shouldn't waste brain cells on this guy. Or blog space. But I take my politics seriously. And Trump is so seriously ridiculous. At the same time, as Rick Pearlstein points out:

"Conservatives understand that the direction of human history is not on their side—that, other things equal, civilization does tend toward more inclusion, more emancipation, more liberalism. That is the great source of their anger." 

And Trump is a rich white guy who is channeling that anger. Usually Conservatives talk in code. When they say "welfare reform," we know what they mean, they want to punish "those people." When they talk "smaller government," or "balanced budget" we know they want to eliminate programs for the poor, for minorities, etc. When they talk "immigrants" they want to deny and deport.

Nixon's "Silent Majority." They never left us. They are white, angry, and in positions of power. Trump is saying what the silent majority understood you shouldn't say. Trump is shining a light on this dark corner of our country, our politics. So in that way, Trump is funny and maybe quite useful. He is sort like a malicious anti-body wreaking havoc on the body politic.

I am rooting Trump to not only implode, but to take down the GOP with him. That would be very cool, and very fitting.