Thursday, July 09, 2015

Querying the Godhead!

Querying the Godhead. The Ancient Greeks had "The Oracle of Delphi." They thought it was the omphalos - the navel of the world.

We are too modern and smart for that. We know there is no center, no navel. Everything is everywhere. We have "the Cloud." And the great Google. Which is basically the mind of humanity, all the wisdom, all the stupidity, all the cat videos, porn, etc. out there to be queried and discovered with a couple clicks.

This morning I'm in a "metaphysical" state of mind. Yesterday's post reminded me that money is fiction.

And I go to the Godhead and start querying the big questions on my mind...

Is reality real? Maybe. Maybe not.

Is consciousness a hallucination? Maybe. Maybe not.

Are dreams "real?" Yep.

Do we "lose consciousness" when we sleep? You bet.

What does my future hold? Going forward you can address me as "Your Majesty," and "Your Excellency!"