Friday, July 10, 2015

A World Thicke with Suckers!

You hate to kick a guy when he's down, but really, I pretty much hated the guy when he was flying high too. So the swing of the pendulum actually seems pretty damn appropriate. Sometimes you "get what you deserve." They call that Karma.

So seeing Robin Thicke swimming around in his own sea of misery, seems oh so appropriate. Read the GQ interview and it's clear Thicke and Pharrell Williams did pretty much rip off Marvin Gaye. 

And they did make a video which, as Thicke so eloquently tells it: "Hey do you think this is degrading to women? Of course it is. What a pleasure it is to degrade a woman. I've never gotten to do that before. I've always respected women."

What a douche. 

You wonder if all those people who bought the single, would like their money back? I always thought "Get Lucky" was the better song. Give me two silent French Robots and Nile Rodgers any old time!

This is hilarious. One of Thicke's friends on Thicke: "I gotta be honest with you buddy. You're kind of playing yourself. You look like a sucker."

And all those people who bought the single, watched and shared the video - suckers too!

As an antidote to the sucker-ness: