Wednesday, May 27, 2015

"Something Rather Than Nothing."

This is funny...  as in "curious, strange, peculiar, odd..."

Dani Shapiro's "Quest for a Connected Consciousness," hits the bullseye. It's "funny" to read a blog post this morning that totally resonates with my own inner dialogue. Almost makes me think that I've finally found the road and the language and practice that I have been looking for all my life...

"Something, rather than nothing." Exactly!

Dani Shapiro:

“I believe that there is something connecting us,” I said. “Something that was here before we got here and will still be here after we’re gone. I’ve begun to believe that all of our consciousnesses are bound up in that greater consciousness.” 
I looked at my friend for any sign of ridicule, but saw none. She was nodding. 
“An animating presence,” she said. 
That was as good a word as any: presence. As in the opposite of absence. By training my thoughts and daily actions in the direction of an open-minded inquiry, what had emerged was a powerful sense of presence. It couldn’t be touched, or apprehended, but nonetheless, when I released the hold of my mind and all its swirling stories, this was what I felt. Something — rather than nothing. While sitting in meditation or practicing yoga, the paradox was increasingly clear to me: emptiness led to fullness, nonthought to greater understanding.