Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Lit Up from the Inside!

I didn't realize that Mary Karr's three books - "The Liar's Club," "Cherry," and "Lit," were a trilogy. Memoirs all. That together they constitute a beautifully rendered interconnected exorcism. Anyone raised in a family, anyone with a difficult childhood, (basically anyone) with memories, demons, and unfinished business, will totally understand.

I didn't realize that Mary Karr would change my life with her carefully chosen, totally engaging, funny, robust and exhilarating words. I just didn't know. I originally bought "The Liar's Club," for a friend, many years ago. I thought she would love it, relate to it. It wasn't until after I read David Foster Wallace, that I thought I should check in myself.

I started with "Cherry," that's the one my friend thought I'd relate to. And I did. I recognized the world that Mary Karr lived in. Her life in the 70's resonated with my experience. I was there too, in a different locale, but I was there too.

Starting with "Cherry" is kind of like starting with "Sticky Fingers" from the Stones. If you liked that one you also have to check out "Let it Bleed," and "Exile on Main Street." No sense trying to decide which is best. They are all essential.

Same with this trilogy of memoirs. I shied away from "Lit" thinking it was about the literary world. Now I realize it's about being "on fire," lit up from the inside, via emotion, via alcohol, via madness. Oh yeah, it's that kind of "lit."

So yes, just read the books. That's all I can really say. Read the books. You will laugh, you might cry, you might get a little pissed off. The three books are a conjuring, an exorcism and a story of redemption. The story of our lives. If we just open our eyes.